Chapter 17: Finding your path

Hello again 🙂 I just couldn’t keep away from the sims and so a part of this chapter will be written before I know who the heir/ess is.

“Oh Scott! Terry is such a cute little girl!” Nicolette gushed over her new niece.
“Yeah she is.” Scott said smiling proudly.
Nicolette looked at her brother, he had recently had his birthday and age had finally caught up with him and his fair hair had turned snowy white. Nicolette knew that it wouldn’t be much longer before she followed her brother’s suit but at least she knew that her kids would have nearly all grown up into young adults and she would be allowed to sit back and relax.

Michael decided to pay a visit to Angela Deal to see whom his step-son was dating. He was pleased with Charlie’s choice, for Angela proved to be quite the friendly, smart girl.

It was soon Charlie’s birthday and he had all the important guests over as well as almost half of the high school students.

Charlie grew up into a… very handsome guy. He got charismatic as his 5th trait and I must say that I’m very pleased with the way he looks. I think he’s one of the most good looking guys I’ve had since Jace Autumn!

And please excuse me for using Chuck’s haircut again but it is quite difficult to find great male hairs online so I’m stuck with the same hairstyle this time round but I’m still happy cause it’s an amazing hairstyle.

Ron Joy is now Lucy’s boyfriend. The two are really happy together and I think they make a cute couple.

Charlie has started busking at Central Park and his aunt Ellen was the first one to give him tips.
Yet, Ellen wasn’t the only one to tip Charlie, many people started coming to hear Charlie and one day when he was playing, a woman, by the name of Lourdes Townsend, stopped him and offered him a job at the Wilsnoff Community Theatre. Charlie happily accepted the job.

The family had quite a scare when Logan, who had a habit of tinkering with things, caught himself on fire. Luckily, brave Lucy was at home and was able to save the day.

Charlie and Angela are still going strong as a couple. Angela is slightly younger than Charlie but she too has also reached her young adult years now. (Awww! I just love these two! )

“Hey, my name is Colin Connolly.” a guy said shaking Jenny’s hand. It was Lucy’s birthday party and as usual, a horde of guests were invited.
“Nice to meet you Colin. The name’s Jenny Autumn.” Jenny smiled nervously.

Meanwhile, her younger half-brother Logan was talking to a girl. A girl! Jenny had never seen her brother speak to a girl before but here she was, seeing him talk to a girl with her own eyes. The girl’s name was Chantel Blue and she’s a descendant of Lunara Blue (remember her??? she was Arthur’s only sister.) I’m pleased to see that her line is still progressing.

This is just a picture to show you how handsome Cletus is. He looks really great even without any custom content on! I love him even though he isn’t a legacy kid.

Unfortunately, Charlie couldn’t attend his sister’s birthday party as he was called in for work. He was still at the bottom but was determined to make a name for himself, for if he did, then it would be much easier for him to achive his dream of having a golden tongue and golden fingers.

Lucy grew up into a gorgeous woman and the trait she got was Genius.

Days for the young Autumns continued on as normal but for Lucy and Charlie, life as young adults was opening a lot of new opportunities for them. Without any homework to think of, Lucy started working out early in the morning because she had the time to do so. One morning, Nicolette informed her that she had seen a request for organ donors in the local hospital. Though not the job she exactly wanted, Lucy knew that procuring a job at the hospital would help her reach her dream someday and so she went for the job interview.

Lucy came out of the Hospital with the job in her bag. She had nailed the interview. She was now an Organ Donor, the lowest level in the Medical Career. When she went home overjoyed to deliver the news, her brother Charlie had some news of his own; he had just been promoted. Charlie was now a Roadie. (lvl 2 music career)

Look at this guy’s face! Dosen’t it read, “How the hell did she do that!?”
Lucy has also started defeating ranked chess opponents as a hobby. This is in addition to her morning workout, her job and searching the galaxy at night.

Sometimes things didn’t go so well between Ron and Lucy. As an athletic sim and being employed in the medical career, Lucy often nagged Ron to do some exercise. He wasn’t so happy about he constant nagging but he put up with her for aside that they had a really great relationship.

With all of her children nearly grown up, Nicolette used the spare time she had to refine her writing skill. She still hadn’t forgotten her dream of becoming an Illustrious Author and she was getting close to achieve it.

“Hey there cousin Terry! How are you?” Jenny greeted her young cousin.
“Okay.” Terry bit her lip, “It’s just that…mum and dad…they are so old…I…don’t get me wrong I still love them!”
“But you sometimes want to spend time with younger company, right?” Jenny finished for her.
Terry nodded, “I mean…you’re soon going to become a young adult and your mother is still an adult.”
“Sush! Whenever you feel the need to hang out with someone younger you can always find me Terry.”
“Thanks Jenn!” Terry said all smiles.

At Jenny’s birthday party, Logan started charming a girl he liked. Jenny saw this and was both happy for her brother and sorry for herself. Being nicknamed “Smelly Jenny” at school never helped her to get the guys. So, she had no significant other to be there as she celebrated her birthday unlike in Charlie and Lucy’s case.

Yet, at least she did have her whole family there to celebrate it with her. The only one missing was Charlie because of his new work shift but Jenny didn’t mind as she knew that if he could, her brother would have been there. She greatly hoped that as an adult things would change for her.

Jenny gained the artistic trait when she grew up. She is a very gorgeous girl. I’m so happy with the way this generation has turned out!

Things between Lucy and Ron took a turn for the worse one morning when Lucy had reminded Ron to exercise. He was sick of her always telling him so and he rebelled. One thing led to another and soon they were shouting at each other and having their first full blown argument.

It was supposed to be a double date but Charlie and Angela quickly distanced themselves away from the others when they noticed them fighting. For Charlie and Angela everything was bliss.

“The heirpoll results are in.” Lucy announced at the breakfast table early one morning.
“What?” Charlie asked surprised. Jenny just glared at her sister.
“So I overheard mum telling dad this morning. And why all the hostility little sister?” Lucy asked.
“I…I’m sorry, it’s just that with these results I’ll just continue to realise what a loser I am. I’ll probably come the last of all of you.” Jenny said looking sad.
“Oh come on Jenn! You know you are not a loser!” Charlie said but it was just then that Lucy and Charlie realised how much her sister had really sunk low in her self-esteem.
“Jenny! I don’t want to hear you ever say that again! Come last or come first, you are never ever going to be a loser to me.” Lucy said punching her fist on the table.
“Thanks sis.” Jenny said patting her sister’s curled fists.
“And you do know that everything that Lucy has just said applies to what I think of you too, right?” Charlie asked her turning around to face her.
“Yes I do. I’m very lucky to have such wonderful siblings like you.” Jenny said smiling slightly, “Do you know when she is going to tell us who won?”
“No idea but I’m guessing it will be sometime today.” Lucy said shrugging.
“I’ll go tell Logan the news.” Charlie said and then disappeared into the bedroom he still shared with his half-brother.

The announcement came in the afternoon. Soon after they had all finished eating, Nicolette bid all the family to sit down because she needed to tell them something.

After delivering a speech that no matter in what position they came in the heirpoll she loved them all equally, Nicolette turned around and faced Lucy.
“I’m sorry Luce, you came last.” she told her.
“Oh that’s fine mother, I never saw myself as being an heiress anyways.” Lucy said shrugging and then she turned to face Jenny and mouthed to her sister, “See what I told you!? You aren’t even last!” and then she stuck out her tounge at her. Jenny couldn’t help but laugh.

“Logan, you came thrid.” Nicolette said next.
“Oh bugger! I really thought I had a chance what with my dad being the nice guy and all.” he burst laughing as Michael mock slapped his son and Nicolette gave him a stern look.
Charlie, Lucy and Jenny all chuckled, they had put their birth father in their past and they didn’t even get the slightest bit upset by Logan’s comment.

“Charlie, you came second.” Nicolette said turning to her eldest.
Charlie grinned, “I was hoping you’d say that!”
“What?” Nicolette asked confused.
“Well, if I came second then that means that Jenny has won and she now HAS to stop calling herself a loser.” Charlie was grinning ear to ear.

For a second, Jenny looked dumbfounded as if waiting for someone to contradict what Charlie had said. No…it couldn’t be! She was a lose..
“Congratulations Jenny! You’re the heiress!” it was Nicolette who cut across Jenny’s thoughts.
Then Jenny was smiling, smiling like she had never done before. Her eyes were alight with happiness and she looked all around her seeing the world from a different perspective.
“I…I don’t know what to say!” she finally admitted.
Charlie, Lucy and Logan all hugged their sister madly and she was enveloped in shouts of; “I knew you could do it Jenn!” “You’re the best” “We love you!”

Giddy with happiness, Jenny decided to go to central park and play her guitar but when she arrived she didn’t get the chance to play it.
“Hi there, my name’s Jesse. I’m new in town. Sorry for stopping you. It’s just that I’m new and I want to meet people. Get into the heart of the community, you know? I’m sorry if I’m wasting your time. Ugh! I’d better stop myself before I say anything more stupid.” Jenny blinked, she had barely caught what the man was saying. He seemed so shy and he blushed furiously when he finished talking.
“I’m Jenny Autumn.” she told him smiling, “You want me to show you around town?”
“Wow! That’d be absolutely great! Thanks!” Jesse said looking flustered.
Jenny smiled, her day couldn’t have turned out any better, first being announced heiress, now a new cute guy in town who hadn’t been in highschool with her and so didn’t know what a loser she was.
“Wait, correct yourself.” she thought, “I was a loser, I am not anymore.”
“Actually, I don’t think anyone like you could have ever been a loser.” Jesse replied.
Jenny blushed, “Oh my! I said that out loud!”

Whilst Jenny showed Jesse around town, Lucy was in Ron’s arms again.
“I’m so sorry Ron!” she said, “I shouldn’t have been trying to change you. That isn’t love and Ron, I’ve realised that I love you just the way you are.” 
“Luce. My dear Luce, thank you. I was afraid I was going to lose you and I never  want to lose you.”
Then he did something that almost made Lucy’s heart jump out of her chest. He got down on one knee and he proposed. The answer was yes.

Little did she know that her brother over at Stoney Falls was doing the exact same thing as Ron.

“So, uh…is that a yes?” Charlie asked nervously for Angela stood admiring the ring and didn’t reply.
“Oh! Yes, yes, yes! A million times yes Charlie Autumn! You had me from the start! And now I’ll be able to really call myself yours.”
“You’re mine and I’m yours.” Charlie smiled as he pulled his bride-to-be into a passionate kiss.

Charlie and Angela’s wedding was to be celebrated the first. Both Michael and Nicolette took the time to get to know Angela better though Michael already knew her well from when he had first paid her a visit. Lucy and Ron had decided to wait a bit longer before actually tying the knot to test their relationship due to having had some rocky times.

Jenny was there the night that her little brother got his first kiss. She smiled happy for him but she was a tiny bit jealous too, after all she was much older than him and still had never been kissed. The word loser popped up into her mind again but she quickly pushed it back down as she focused on the melody she was playing.

It wasn’t long afterwards that Logan asked Shasta to be his girlfriend. He also invited her to his brother’s wedding.

Angela slept over at the Autumns the night before the wedding and Charlie, being the gentleman that he is, relinquished his soft bed for his fiancee and slept on the couch that night.

Charlie and Angela’s wedding was a gorgeous beachside wedding. The couple wore matching colours and everyone had a good time. After the wedding, it was time for Angela and Charlie to head out on their own to a house they had bought with the help of both of their parents.

“Angela! Now you’ll take care of my step-son, won’t you?” Michael asked his new daughter-in-law.
“Of course I will Mike.” Angela said and then Michael pulled her into a fatherly hug.

A few footsteps away from them, Nicolette was saying her teary goodbye to her son.
“I love you Charlie and I want you to know how proud of you I am.” Nicolette told her son.
“I love you too mum.” Charlie said as he pulled his mother into a hug.

And then Angela and Charlie left for their new life together.

“And then you put your hand up in the air and scrunch to your side.” Michael explained as he demonstrated the new exercise to Ron. It was a few days after Charlie and Angela’s wedding and though Lucy didn’t pressure Ron to exercise anymore, he thought it would be a nice surprise for her if he made the incentive.

Logan Autumn finally dreamt of what he wanted to do. He wants  to become a Renaissance Sim.

Months later, it was Lucy and Charlie’s wedding day. Jenny was greatly surprised when she saw Jesse again because she had never seen him again after that day she spent showing him around town.
“Hey you.” he told her when he saw her, “You look beautiful.”
“Thanks.” Jenny smiled, “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
Jesse laughed and they spent sometime chatting together before the wedding ceremony. What pleased Jenny was that by the end of the event, she had a date with Jesse.

And that’s how Lucy Autumn became Ms. Lucy Joy. 🙂 Lucy and Ron moved in with Ron’s mother after the wedding.

“Wow! You love music too!?” Jenny asked Jesse amazed.
“Yup I do!” he told her smiling.

It was a few months after Lucy’s wedding and the two were alone at the Autumn household. Logan was at school, Michael was at work and Nicolette happened to be visiting the many family businesses around town.

It was then that Jesse suddenly stepped forward.
“Jenn, I really like you.” he told her, “I’ve known you for a year now and I don’t think I can ever stand to be just your friend.” and he kissed her on the lips.
Jenny was too surprised to react.
“You don’t think of me in the same way right?” he told her downcast, “I’m stupid! How coul I ever think that a woman as gorgeous and smart as you could ever like me!?”
“No! You just surprised me, that’s all.” Jenny said, “And I’m not as perfect as you imagine me to be.”
“Jenn, if you’re thinking about whether I heard about you being called a loser…I did and I didn’t even heed that bit of news. I just can’t imagine why they called you that!”
“Well, I had an unfortunate accident whilst taking out the trash one day…” Jenny said and she recounted the whole story to Jesse and how miserable her life at high school became from then onwards.
“Jenn, I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that!” Jesse said.
“But it’s over now!” Jenny said brightly, “I don’t go to high school anymore so people can’t call me a loser.”
Jesse smiled and Jenny looked at him, she was glad he liked her for she was in love with him. From his rushing of words when he got nervous, his huge geeky glasses, his marine blue eyes, his spiky blonde hair and the spatter of freckles on his face.
“Kiss me.” she said…no, demanded was more like it.

He quickly obliged, his mouth finding hers and his hands pulling her closer to him…

It was amazing how quickly things heated up. Jenny had never felt herself like this before. She was on fire, every kiss and touch she felt only had her burning for more…

and more…

Nicolette is now an elder and she has finally completed her lifetime wish of being an Illustrious Author.

It was soon time for Logan’s birthday party. All of the family was invited and both Michael and Nicolette were happy to learn that they were soon going to be grandparents because Scott and Angela were going to have a baby.

Logan was happy to have such three awesome half-siblings. He wished that he would grow up to live just as happy as they were living.

Logan grew up quite differently from the way he looked when he was a teenager. The 5th trait he got was snob and I quite enjoyed dressing him in a snobbish way xD

Nicolette took the time to teach Jenny more about gardening so that when the time for her to die came, Jenny would be able to care for the plants.

It wasn’t that long after Logan’s birthday when Jenny discovered that she was pregnant. She was both excited and afraid at the same time. How was she going to tell Jesse? And how would he take it? And what about her parents? There was only one thing to do, seek the advice of her older siblings.

When Jenny went to visit Charlie and Angela, she was amazed by what a cute house they had.

Once inside, her brother Charlie was very happy to see her. He looked even happier than usual holding his newborn son Wilfred. For a while the two talked about Wilfred and they both cooed over the child until Jenny broke the news of her pregnancy to her brother. Charlie was overjoyed for her but also worried like her. In his opinion it was better if she told Jesse, that would give him time to decide whether he wanted to stay with her or not.

“So, you’re telling me that my little one is going to get a younger cousin?” Jenny’s heavily pregnant sister, Lucy, said.
“That’s wonderful news!”
“But I’m not married!” Jenny protested.
“Who cares!? If Jesse really loves you he will stick around.” Lucy told her, “It’s what Ron did.”
“I hope so. I’ll tell him as soon as I can.” Jenny said, with both of her older siblings telling her to spill the news to Jesse, she almost felt confident that he would take it well.
“If…trouble arises…well, you know on which door to knock.” Lucy said squeezing her sister’s shoulders.
“More like, I know to which huge mansion I’m supposed to go!” Jenny said.

Jenny wasn’t joking when she said huge mansion. 😮

Jenny shouldn’t have worried about Jesse because he was thrilled when she told him the news.
“Let’s marry!” he told her.
“What!?” she said alarmed and the she flatly added, “No!”
“Why!?” he asked her crestfallen.
“Because I don’t want to marry just because we have a child on the way!” Jenny told him.
“It’s not only for that reason that I want to marry you Jenn!” he told her, “I love you.”
“Well, your love’s going to have to hold this out a bit longer.” she told him.
Jesse looked hurt but he quickly composed himself and chatted along.

Jenny gave birth to baby boy Flynn Autumn. Flynn was named after the character Flynn from Tangled, an animation movie that I recently saw which I really loved.

Our Flynn is absent-minded and athletic. His favourites are: Latin, Fish and Chips and Violet. He has inherited his mother’s skin tone.

Jenny wasn’t happy on Flynn’s birthday because Jesse had asked her to marry him again. She didn’t want to do that for fear that the same thing that happened to her mother would happen to her.

Logan proposed to Shasta and the two decided to have a private wedding by themselves.

Yet, Logan’s happiness was soon marred by the fact that his father died. Goodbye Michael Autumn, you were a great man. Michael died at the age of 93.

“Hey there dear grandson.” Nicolette cooed to Flynn, “I’m glad that you like violet for there is no room to build you a nursery yet.”
“You never even got to meet grandpa.” she added in tears.

“I can’t do this. I miss him too much Jenny.” Nicolette sobbed into her daughter’s shoulder.
“Mum, you have to be strong. Dad wouldn’t be happy if he saw you crying! Putting him in the Autumn Garden doesn’t mean that we’re pushing him aside! He’ll always be in our hearts.” Jenny said.
“Yes I know, but it was hard leaving him there…all alone.”
“He’s not alone mum! Think about all the past Autumns, they’re probably having a celebratory feast right now!” Jenny smiled as she pictured what she said.
“Honey…don’t waste your time with Jesse.” Nicolette suddenly said.
Jenny was taken aback by her mother’s change of topic, “What?”
“He loves you. I’ve never seen a man so in love…and you’re making him feel pain. You’re not respecting him Jenny.”
“But, I don’t want to marry.” Jenny said.
“I don’t want to lose Jesse.” Jenny said simply.

“And why on Earth would you think that?” Nicolette asked her surprised.
“Because I don’t want the same thing that happened between you and dad to happen between us.” Jenny admitted.
“Jenny! Dear, little Jenny…of all the couples you’re surrounded with, you chose to see my past marriage!? Think…there’s Charlie and Angela, Ron and Lucy and soon there will be Logan and Shasta. They’re all happily married. None of their spouses has run away as far as I know.”
Jenny shrugged, “But will they stand the test of time?”
“Ah, I see you are still not seeing another couple.” Nicolette told her, “What about Michael and me? We had a long happy marriage and we both honored the wedding vows ’till death do us part.’ ”
“I…you’re right mum. So, you think I should give Jesse a try?” Jenny told her.
“Definately. After all, he loves you and he’s already addicted to Flynn’s little smile.”

“Terry!” Jenny was happy to see her little cousin at Logan’s wedding party. Terry had grown so much since the last time she had seen her.
“Hey Jenny!” Terry smiled, out of all her cousins, Jenny was her favourite and she was really happy when she heard that her cousin was the one that was going to continue the legacy.
The two chatted on quite a lot of things; school, boys, little Flynn, how Jenny felt as a mother, their insecurities and also general gossip that was circulating the town.

The wedding was not a huge event but everyone enjoyed themselves and Logan and Shasta got married without a hitch. After the wedding, they moved in with Shasta’s mother and sister.

There is no doubt that Jenny loves Flynn a lot. He’s like a magnet that attracts everyone in the family.

“Jenn, I have to tell you that I am not that fond of graveyards.” Jesse said looking quite scared and nervous.
“Oh don’t you worry Jesse, the ghosts you see are all my anchestors. None of them were evil so you shouldn’t be afraid of being harmed.” Jenny said smiling.
Jesse gulped but he looked a different nervous now, “Listen Jenn. I’m going to ask you this one last time.”
He paused, sat up and then sank down on one knee, “I love you, with all my heart and I love Flynn. I just can’t imagine my life without you two. Please…will you do me the honour of being my wife?” he asked.
Jenny looked at him, her mother had told her to do what her heart tells her and not be afraid of getting hurt. She took a deep breath and whispered, “Yes.”

Jesse was stunned for a while, “Did you actually say yes?” he then asked her just to be sure.
“Yes.” she said smiling now, for she felt as if a great weight was lifted from her shoulders.
Jesse’s face broke into a grin, “Third time’s the charm then.” he said as he slipped the ring on her finger and hopped to sit beside her on the bench. Then he kissed her passionately and Jenny knew that she had made the right decision at last.

Jesse and Jenny threw a small birthday party for little Flynn with just them, Nicolette and the maid as guests.

Little Flynn has got all of his grandmother’s genetics; blonde hair, hazel eyes and dark skin. He looks just like Nicolette did at his age.

Flynn is a very cute little kid. He is always being held by someone in the house and Nicolette has taken a special liking to her grandson.

“Shasta! I didn’t know you and Logan were expecting!” Jenny greeted her sister-in-law.
“We were going to surprise you all but I didn’t want to miss your wedding so I had to come!” Shasta smiled.

Jenny and Jesse’s wedding was quite a different wedding than the usual. After a lot of planning about choosing their location and dresses, Jenny and Jesse had had enough and decided that it would be best if they threw a poolside wedding instead which would not cost them a lot of money but which would be equally fun.

So it was that Jenny and Jesse finally tied the knot with all of Jenny’s siblings watching and also their little son Flynn.

It wasn’t long after the wedding that Jenny and Jesse discovered they were going to become parents again.

Very early one morning, baby girls twins Agnes and Astrid decided to make their way into the world. Both Agnes and Astrid inherited their father’s skin colour. Agnes is Excitable and Good and she was named after little Agnes from Despicable Me. Astrid on the other hand is Brave and Loves the Outdoors and she was named after Astrid in How to Train your Dragon. I figured that since I named Flynn after an animated character, I would do the same for both of his sisters too.

Jenny and Jesse put together a very cute nursery for their little ones. I just thought I’d include a few picture of it because I like it 🙂

So, ends this chapter.

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