Chapter 2: Time

Hi, in the last chapter we left off right after Taylor & Ronnie, the twins, were born. Now we continue the story where we last left off…

The Autumn household has become a mad house with all of the adults taking care of the little ones. Thankfully Alannah has already learned all the skills there are to know and so she is content to be left alone reading books.

Both Emma and Cy have retired from their jobs now.

Cycl0n3 receives a pension of $230/day after retiring when he was an Editor in Chief (lvl 9 of the Journalism Career)

Emma receives a pension of $350/day after retiring when she was a Rock Star( lvl 10 of the music career (rock branch) )

Emma and Cycl0n3 are more cute a couple as elders I think.

Cy is now 88 years old and he’s getting really close to filling his lifetime bar. I hope that he at least lives on to see Alannah grow up into a child.

Emma is now 87 years old and she has still got quite a little way to fill her lifetime bar. Hers is about 3/4 full. Oh I can’t believe that I’ll soon be seeing my first sim death! 😮


“Homer.” Kate answered curtly, “I thought you would like to be here for your daughter’s birthday. That’s why I invited you.”

“It’s her birthday? Oh…well. I guess it isn’t bad that I was invited.”

“You know what Homer!? You should really start to take an interest in your daughter. You never come around to see her!”

“So what? I’ve got another child to take care of.”

“Well so do I! I’ve got three more but I still love Alannah a lot.”

Homer just rolled his eyes at Kate and left before the party celebrations had started. Kate bit her lip, she wasn’t going to tell Alannah who her real father was anytime soon. She knew she would really hurt the little girl if she told her. Besides, Brett really hit it off with Alannah and they were good friends, so what was there to worry about?

Aside from Homer’s attitude, Alannah’s birthday proceeded without a hitch.

Alannah grew up into an amazing young girl. Thankfully she got her third trait when she aged up and she is now brave, genius and over-emotional. As a reminder, I’m using the randomize button to assign traits to the kids. Alannah also immediately knew what her lifetime wish is going to be. She wants to become an Illustrious Author. I also got my wish because Cycl0n3 is still alive 🙂

The twins’ birthday soon rolled around and as usual a birthday party was organized.

First to grow up was Taylor and she looks incredibly awesome. Also she has Brett’s violet eyes!! 🙂 She’s the first kid to be born in this legacy who doesn’t have sky blue eyes. I love her already.

Just as a reminder, Taylor traits so far are artistic and loner.

Ronnie has violet eyes like her sister but she has got her father’s hair colour unlike Taylor who has her mother’s. I think both of the twins have got their father’s skin colour. Their facial structure couldn’t be more different however! Ronnie has got really large eyes and thin lips. I just can’t wait till they grow older so that I can really see how they look like.

At this point all the adults in the family want another kid in the house. I can’t grant them that wish however because I have a full household of 8 sims.

Brett is slowly rising up the ranks of the Politician Career. He is now a Yes Man (lvl 4) whilst Kate has only gone to work for 1 day and that was very long ago.

Alannah made a new friend at school. I think she has found her best friend like her mother. Speaking of which, it has been a while since Kate has seen her best friend. Well, this pretty purple dressed girl is called Maryann Numbers and she has got violet eyes like the little twins.

It’s time for Jace,  the only boy in the household so far to grow up into a child. A lot of guests were invited for Jace’s birthday but no one bothered to actually come watch the celebration! Oh well!

By this time both Emma and Cycl0n3 are surprising me because their age bars have been full for days and yet they keep on living. Cy is now 92 years old and Emma is 91, they’re living quite the long life. At least two of their grandkids will definately remember them when they die.

Here’s Jace 🙂 I think he’s cute!

He has the following three traits: clumsy, light sleeper, kleptomaniac

When I first clicked the randomize button, the trait over emotional came up so I rolled it again because Alannah has already been randomly assigned that trait and I want different characters.

Jace was out looking for rocks when he came across an abandoned warehouse. Curious he made his way forward and peaked in through a window. He was very surprised to see a women and two men talking to each other in hushed tones. Jace wondered why anyone would meet in a place like that but he shook his head and shrugged it off. He would just walk away and forget about what he had seen.

It was soon time for Alannah’s birthday and as you can see Cy is still alive.

Cy is now 94 whilst Emma is 93.

Alannah grew up into an okay looking teen. I think her sisters and brother will be cuter when they reach this age however I’m not sure.

I’m really proud of Alannah because she has already written a book in her childhood called “The Jewelled Butterfly”.

Sorry that it’s yet again another birthday picture but with all the little kids running around the house, the family is barely leaving the house and so nothing interesting is happening to them.

I can’t believe that Cy and Emma are both still alive for the twins’ birthday! 😮 Cy is now 95 years old and Emma is 94!

Taylor has grown up into a beautiful girl and what I like best is that she looks so different from her older siblings.

Taylor’s traits so far are: Loner, Artistic and Bookworm.

Ronnie Autumn looks very different from her sister despite the fact that they both have violet eyes and dark brown skin.

Ronnie’s traits so far are: Friendly, Loves the Outdoors and Excitable.

Kate is working again! She has also been promoted to paramedic (lvl 3). Good work Kate! But you’re nowhere near reaching your husband.

Brett is a City Council Member (lvl 5 of the Political Career).

Wow! This is the coolest surprise TS3 has given me so far! Jace was searching the galaxy with his telescope and suddenly I got a note that said he saw a meteor fall out of the sky so I sent Emma to investigate and she found it! I love this and what’s even greater is that I sold it for $3,420! Now that’s some easy cash! 🙂

To liven up this chapter a little bit I thought I’d give you a tour of the house. It has really changed since Emma first moved in here. So…first is the kitchen where little Jace is eating a hot dog at 4am in the morning. The paintings on the wall are all Kate’s artwork. She is getting really close to mastering the painting skill. In TS3 I’m trying to experiment with painting walls different colours and I’m quite proud of how this room turned out. I also love the fact that objects can be positioned at different angles.

This is the living room area, it is still looking a bit bare but I can’t add a lot of this in this room since it is part of the corridor of the house.

This is Emma and Cycl0n3’s room and it was the first room in the house to be furnished.

Then there’s Kate and Brett’s bedroom and again the picture on the wall is Kate’s artwork.

The twins’ bedroom in which I experimented with the different coloured walls again. I quite like how this room turned out. It’s really cute 🙂 The twins both like the colour green hence the colour of the bedroom.

Alannah and Jace share a room together. The don’t mind since they both love orange and their room is full of it. And that is the whole tour of the house from the inside. I can’t include a picutre of the bathroom because it is too small.

And this is how the whole looks like from a bird’s eye view. I’m quite proud of how it has turned out. Excuse me for the excessive use of light wooden floorboards!

This is a snapshot of how the house looks from the front.

And the back area 🙂 I think this is the first house I’ve built that I’m really pleased with. So sorry if I included too many pictures, I was just super excited about showing you this.

Whilst I was going around taking pictures both Jace and Taylor decided on their life time wish.

Jace wants to become an Astronaut one day whilst Taylor wants to become a Professional Author. This means that Ronnie is the only one still undecided in this generation. (Alannah wants to become an Illustrious Author)

“Hey mum! We did an interesting topic today at school in biology.”

“Really? What was it about?” Kate asked, she had just returned home from work and she was feeling exhausted but she didn’t rebuff Alannah when she struck up a conversation with her.

“Genetics.” Alannah said, “Tell me the truth mum. Am I adopted?”

Kate’s eyes nearly popped out of her head, she was so not ready for this conversation right now! “But then again”, Kate wondered in her head, “I never will be ready for this conversation.” So she told Alannah everything, how she had met Homer. How she had accidentally kissed Brett. How she just couldn’t forget that kiss. How she realised, as time went on, that she was only staying with Alannah’s father because she didn’t want to hurt him by breaking up with him. How Alannah had come to the world and then Kate couldn’t keep her feelings in any longer and she told everything to Homer. She told her how surprised she had been when Homer had shouted at her and insulted her. She had tried to patch things up with him by inviting him to Alannah’s first birthday but…and here Kate looked sadly at her daughter, “He wants nothing to do with us, your father. He has another family now and you have a half-brother Alannah.”

“You mean another one!” Alannah shouted crying, “None of my siblings are actually my real siblings! The others are all Brett’s kids aren’t they?”

“Yes they are Allie.” Kate said sadly.

“How could you do this?” Alannah started shouting and then she swallowed hard, “I just need some time alone.” she said and she quickly got up from the couch.

It was late. Very late. Alannah stood staring at the old pieces of wood sticking out of the water where the old pier had been a long time ago. She was so still that one could easily mistake her for being a statue. Yet inside her mind, she was far from still. Her mind was an explosion of activity, thoughts running over each other, decisions nearly taken and then erased. She was crumbling down inside and she could feel it. Finally she could keep it in no longer. Her body wrecked with sobs and she closed her arms around her self trying to provide her own comfort.

“Well at least your mother is really your mother Allie.” she whispered to herself, “Unless she’s lying.” another thought flickered across her mind. “No she wouldn’t!” she argued, “Besides I have the same colour of her eyes and grandma’s eyes.” and that settled that argument but more arose to take it’s place and they each became more difficult to understand and quiet down.

“I need to see him.” she finally said, “I want to meet my father.” and so her mind was made up. She would find out about her father but she wouldn’t tell her mother about it. Her mother had after all expressed how she didn’t want Alannah to meet Homer. But Alannah felt she had to. “Maybe when I meet him it will all make sense.” she told herself. Yet she knew how far away that meeting could be since the only things she knew about her father were his name and probably he had fair hair which would explain from whom she got her blonde locks.

Jace made friends with Josef Sekemoto and was invited over to his house. Josef is cute, I’ll keep an eye on him when he grows up. Jace couldn’t stay long over at Josef’s house because he had his birthday party at home.

Taylor had also been invited over to a friend’s house that day but little did she know that her friend Jess Bakshi was actually her sister’s half-brother. After all Taylor didn’t even know that Alannah wasn’t her realy sister.

Though Alannah had withdrawn herself a bit from the family ever since she had gotten the news that Brett wasn’t her real father, she still cheered on when Jace’s birthday arrived. Jace was still her brother after all and now that he would become a teen, maybe Alannah would find someone to confide her troubles with.

Jace grew up into quite a good looking guy but I’ve had more good looking sims than him, one of those is his father Brett. Brett is a really handsome man. Well anyways, to add to Jace’s strange traits, he rolled never-nude. So now Jace’s traits are: light sleeper, kleptomaniac, never-nude and clumsy. Poor Jace will have a bit of a hard time reaching his dream of becoming an astronaut!

Emma died!! At 99 years of age, Emma Autumn, my beloved rock-star died.

Emma’s grave was placed near the empty driveway and Cycl0n3 spent a lot of time there.

“It should have been me!” he cried. Cycl0n3 is 100 years old now. I hope he doesn’t die anytime soon because the family is already downspirited as it is. They all miss Emma terribly.  

Then the game threw something my way which I really hated. Brett was supposed to age up from a young adult to an adult but he aged up into an elder instead! Now instead of him being a few days younger than Kate, he is actually 14 days older than her! Which makes it kind of creepy…Oh well! I just have to live with this I suppose. The only problem is that now he’ll die much quicker than Kate. Cycl0n3 is now 101 years old!

Here’s a picture of my aspiring politican. Brett looks handsome even as an elder!

This is where I leave you for this chapter. See you next time with chapter 3.

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